Below you will find an explanation for errors you may encounter on your YouTube widgets. These errors are uncommon and if you see an error that is not detailed below please get in touch with a member of our team.
You are not authorised to access this resource
Explanation: You do not have the necessary permissions to access the information you have requested.
How to Solve: To resolve this issue you will need to contact the admin of the Youtube account and ask them to update your permissions.
You don't have permission to access this resource
Explanation: You do not have the necessary permissions to access the information you have requested.
How to Solve: To resolve this issue you will need to contact the admin of the Youtube account and ask them to update your permissions.
The content was not found
Explanation: Unfortunately the content you are trying to access using Hurree can not be found. This may be a result of a video or asset being deleted or removed from your account.
How to Solve: If you see this error we recommend checking the associated YouTube account to ensure that the resource you are trying to receive data from hasn’t since been deleted or archived.
This resource has been deleted
Explanation: Unfortunately the content you are trying to access using Hurree has been deleted from your Youtube account.
How to solve: After an asset has been deleted, data from this source can no longer be pulled into Hurree. We recommend choosing another datapoint or resource.
YouTube internal server error
Explanation: In some instances, Youtube’s internal server will experience an error which means that Hurree can’t fetch the data you have requested at that specific time.
How to solve: It’s not uncommon for these kinds of errors to occur and unfortunately they are out of our control. The only way to resolve this issue is to wait until the next sync period. If you still are still seeing the same error even after the next sync period, please contact Hurree support.
Something is wrong on YouTube’s end
Explanation: in some instances, a third-party tool will experience issues within its own system which is out of our control.
How to solve: These outages usually don’t last long so we recommend waiting a short time and then trying again. If you are experiencing this error for a prolonged period of time please get in touch with our support team.