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Dashboards & Widgets
Fill your dashboards with meaningful KPIs, adding custom widgets and visualisations to streamline your data
Adding a Multi Connector Chart/Graph
Create a manual widget
Create a new widget
Add multiple widgets at once
Edit the date of a widget
Add a performance indicator
Edit a performance indicator
Delete a widget
Edit a manual widget
Change the visualisation of my widget
Adding widgets from a Google Sheet
Adding a Google Sheet to a dashboard
Pinning widgets to your Homepage
How to export a snapshot to a PDF
Adding annotations to graphs and charts
Set a date range at the dashboard level
Editing and deleting a Scheduled Snapshot
Creating a Dashboard Section
Scheduling a Snapshot
Creating a dashboard using a template
Creating a Private Dashboard
Data Point Formater
Delete a dashboard
Change dashboard layout
Share a dashboard Snapshot via email
Share a dashboard Snapshot via link URL
Date ranges explained
How to create a Calculated Widget