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Add custom widgets and visualisations to streamline your data
Widget Creation
The Widget Creation category covers how to add, configure, and customize widgets on your dashboard, helping you display relevant data through various visualizations and settings.
Adding a Multi Connector Chart / Graph
Adding a Multi-Datapoint Line Chart / Graph
Create a Manual Widget
Create a New Widget
Add Multiple Widgets at Once
Edit the Date of a Widget
Add a Benchmark
Edit a Benchmark
Delete a Widget
Edit a Manual Widget
Choose your Widget Visualisation
Adding a Numbered List
Adding Widgets from a Google Sheet
Create a Pie Chart Widget
Adding a Google Sheet to a Dashboard
CSV Import
The CSV Import category guides you through the process of uploading and integrating CSV files into your Hurree account, allowing you to easily import and visualize data from external sources.
Uploading a CSV from Google Sheets
Uploading a CSV from Excel
Formatting a Spreadsheet for Hurree